Identify Products
Use filters to find the best product to invest in. Analyze price trends, reviews velocity, see how many reviews are added on a daily basis.
Identify Products
Analyze Best Seller Categories
Use data to make decisions, see which best seller categories will generate the highest ROI. Analyze price ranges and distributions, and find trending products.
See price distribution
Review distribution
Track your keywords
Sellerium monitors your listings health on Amazon search engine. Reveal issues such as short descriptions, and insufficient product specs. Confirm the number of images on your listing. Plus, if any listing has a spelling mistakes, the platform will detect it and it will be reflected in the health score.
Listing Optimization
Sellerium monitors your listings’ SEO health. Our tool reveals issues like short descriptions, insufficient product specs and makes sure that you add enough images to your listing. Plus, if any of your listings have spelling mistakes, the platform will detect that and reflect it in the calculated health score.